The Hidden Dangers of Aeroseal: What You Need to Know

Discover the cons of aeroseal from an expert's perspective. Learn about the potential health risks, effectiveness, and cost of this popular solution for leaky ducts.

The Hidden Dangers of Aeroseal: What You Need to Know

Aeroseal is a relatively new technology that has gained popularity in recent years as a solution for air duct leaks. It involves injecting a sealant into the ducts and using air pressure to distribute it evenly, creating an airtight seal. While this may seem like a convenient and effective solution, there are several cons of aeroseal that homeowners and experts should be aware of.

The Basics of Aeroseal

Before diving into the cons, it's important to understand how aeroseal works. The process begins with a thorough inspection of the ductwork to identify any leaks.

Then, a sealant is injected into the ducts through small holes, and air pressure is used to distribute it throughout the system. The sealant then dries and forms a tight seal, reducing air leakage and improving energy efficiency. On paper, this sounds like a great solution for leaky ducts. However, there are several drawbacks that should be considered before opting for aeroseal.

The Cost

One of the biggest cons of aeroseal is the cost. While prices may vary depending on the size of the home and the severity of the leaks, it can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $3,000 for a typical home.

This is significantly more expensive than traditional methods of sealing ducts, such as mastic or foil tape. Additionally, aeroseal may not be a one-time fix. Over time, the sealant can break down and require reapplication, which means additional costs down the line.

The Potential Health Risks

Another major concern with aeroseal is the potential health risks associated with the sealant. The sealant used in the process contains chemicals that can be harmful if inhaled. While the sealant is supposed to dry and become inert, there have been reports of lingering odors and health issues, such as headaches and respiratory problems, after aeroseal has been applied. Furthermore, there is limited research on the long-term effects of these chemicals on human health.

As a result, many experts recommend caution when considering aeroseal as a solution for leaky ducts.

The Effectiveness

While aeroseal may seem like a quick and easy fix for leaky ducts, its effectiveness has been called into question. Some studies have shown that the sealant may not be able to fully seal larger leaks or gaps in the ductwork. This means that homeowners may still experience air leakage and reduced energy efficiency even after spending thousands of dollars on aeroseal. Additionally, the effectiveness of aeroseal can be affected by the condition of the ductwork. If there are other issues, such as mold or debris buildup, in the ducts, aeroseal may not be able to fully address these problems.

The Impact on Indoor Air Quality

Another concern with aeroseal is its potential impact on indoor air quality.

The sealant used in the process can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air, which can be harmful to human health. While these VOCs are supposed to dissipate over time, there have been reports of lingering odors and health issues after aeroseal has been applied. Furthermore, if there are any existing issues with mold or other contaminants in the ductwork, aeroseal can actually trap these pollutants inside the ducts, leading to poor indoor air quality.

The Lack of Regulation

Unlike other home improvement services, there is no regulatory body overseeing the application of aeroseal. This means that there are no standards or guidelines in place to ensure that the process is done safely and effectively. As a result, homeowners may be at risk of hiring inexperienced or unqualified contractors who may not properly apply the sealant or take necessary precautions to protect indoor air quality.

The Alternative Solutions

While aeroseal may seem like a convenient and effective solution for leaky ducts, there are alternative methods that may be more cost-effective and safer for your home.

Traditional methods, such as mastic or foil tape, can be just as effective in sealing duct leaks without the potential health risks and high costs associated with aeroseal. Additionally, regular maintenance and cleaning of your ductwork can also help prevent leaks and improve energy efficiency. Hiring a professional to inspect and clean your ducts every few years can save you money in the long run and ensure that your indoor air quality is not compromised.


While aeroseal may seem like a convenient and effective solution for leaky ducts, there are several cons that should be carefully considered before opting for this method. From high costs to potential health risks and lack of regulation, homeowners should weigh their options and consult with experts before making a decision. In the end, it's important to prioritize safety and effectiveness when it comes to improving your home's energy efficiency and indoor air quality.

Jermaine Burback
Jermaine Burback

Devoted internet maven. Evil beer guru. Infuriatingly humble troublemaker. Evil travel trailblazer. Typical zombie trailblazer. Total tv fan.